Don't you dare underestimate me you arrogant
Hey peeps! I see you've found
your way to the "Enemies" page.. OOOOOOooooo...
Dun dun dun!
(Uhm.. I hate to break it to ya
but.. ^^;;; This page has spoilers -o-;
Some notes:
(a) this page is designed to skip down to the
enemie you have chosen, not to other pages.
(b) please enjoy checking out these defeated
(only 3 although Billy could be easily blown
away, no offense to Billy lovers!)
worthless, belothed scum, piece
of crud souls who have killed Terry's loved
ones and must now recognize the one true
M-A-S-T-A-H ^.^
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Geese Howard..
The first to wreck Terry's life and kill his first love
(gosh.. he sure has it comin!). Geese first comes into
the picture long before Terry was even born. He knew
Terry's father (Jeff Bogard) very well because they both
were rivals while growing up and learning techniques from
Master Tung Fu Rue their sensei. Anyway, only one person
could learn the secret technique and.. (yeah, you know
what that means.. redrum, redrum, redrum.. jk! ^.^) guess
who wanted to learn it so bad he would do anything even
kill to learn it? HAI. Jeff was taught the technique (but
of course, he's the good guy!). Master Tung couldn't
teach Geese because he was too violent and would use the
technique for bad purposes. This mad Geese VERY angry..
So he killed Jeff Bogard cold bloodily infront of Terry
and Andy, using a little girl named Lily as a smoke
screen to get him off gaurd.
Yes, the evil Geese derived the plan but he didn't learn
the secret technique anyway! Years later, he still has
that little girl named Lily (which is now a big girl..)
and is keeping her as a somewhat pet or "a bird in a
gilded cage-" as Terry puts it. So after Terry comes back
from his brutal deprived training for a life (10 years..)
He seeks his revenge on Geese. Geese merely laughs at
this, and decides he should kill Terry and his brother
Andy to finish the family off (He's such a weirdo like
that!). So, he decides to hold a KoF tournament as a
trap. He then decides to use his pet Lily and try to
poison Terry. HAH.. like that would work. He must not
have the sixth sense for love stuff between two people
huh? Yeah, you're right. Anyway, as you know it, Lily
didn't poison him, they kissed instead ^.^!! Geese was
very upset after this, furious.. Terry had escaped from
him but Lily stayed behind to "buy him some time-" like
Mai said, and Geese murdered her and said a few choice
words before he did. He was really gonna get it now, that
was Terry's first love dang it!
Ah yes.. the final paragraph on Geese.. what must this
mean?! HAHA.. he's goin down finally, that's what it
means ^.^ Well, Terry learns the secret technique from
master Tung, then rushes off to fight Geese and help his
brother and Joe. When he gets there they are beat up
pretty badly (which you know they can handle because
their part of the pack and all ^.~). And then, Terry
takes on Geese. Geese freaks when Terry isn't blown away,
and then.. Terry uses his Hurricane Kick and Geese goes
flyin into his goldfish pond, out like a light switch!
Terry did his deed, and the 3 heroes went home. Oh but
guess what.. (yes, this is bad news..) In FF2, we find
out that Geese is Krausers step brother, and that Geese..
is still alive.
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Not much to say
about Billy here.. He's a pretty good guy compared to all
the others. But that still doesn't let him off the hook!
Now.. all you Billy fans out there are probably goin..
wth? But if you are true Billy fans you will know why
he's considered an enemie ^.^ HE KILLED MASTER TUNG MAN!
Geez.. who wouldn't be an enemie that killed master Tung
eh? EH? That's right. Anyway, Billy got it from Andy
later on, I hope he learned his lesson about killing
loved ones.
Billy didn't do much to Andy in FF:TMP, actually warned
him in a way (which is a plus, he's getting better..) And
well, he's kind of questioning his loyalty to Geese
because Geese is.. getting pretty scary I guess ^.^ My
favorite scene with Billy and Geese is where he goes to
talk to him and Geese pulls off his Rising Storm (It's
not Raging is it? o.O;) and Billy goes, "What the hell
was that?" which was in his head of course.. but Geese
all the sudden says, "That was nothing.. As long as this
scar remains I will seek my revenge on Terry Bogard-" Or
something like that, I'm sure I'm pretty close
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Ah yes.. the
good 'ole German from a fantastic (brutal.. actually)
blood line. He lived a hard life growing up, I seriously
believe his dad was sick in the head x.x; I would hate to
see what he did to Geese's mother after she had Krauser..
(How the heck did they meet anyway? MG!) Anywho, I
suppose either Krauser or his father killed Geese's
mother, leaving him with bitter hatred for them both. It
ends up Krauser kills his dad around the age of 16, when
he just couldn't take the madness anymore (yeah.. I know
how that is, you do too ^.^;; But we can't kill our
parents like that! ::glad she's past 16 x.x::). He then
got the throne to his castle and what not.
Years later, he became very bored with life. He seeked
out a challenge of some sort, something or someone he
could fight without winning. He heard of Terry, (heh..
wha ya know?) and how he defeated his step brother. He
then went and found Terry and really decided to warp his
head with his power. Terry couldn't believe how strong he
was. Thanks to Tony (his lil fanboy) Terry ends up
fighting Krauser. It's a fantastic battle (compared to
the others) and Krauser ends up meeting his demise.. The
poor guy felt nothing all his life, and loved the feeling
of being hurt. He finally reunited with his
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Yes.. On
the enemie chart it is spelled wrong ^.^;; Sorry folks!
(It looks better that way anyway ::sigh::) Well! Here we
are.. the last main enemie in the Trilogy! (and really..
he sure does bring out an even bigger force for Terry to
fight later..) Laocorn is the twin brother of Sulia (his
second love) and is obsessed with getting all 6 pieces of
the Armor of Mars.
When Laocorn was very young, his father was a
archeologist. They were direct decendents of Gaudeamus
also. Well, Laocorn's father had decided to do some
research on a piece of armor that was handed down through
the family and found that there were more pieces. He also
had a partner, who had killed him in cold blood to take
all the credit of the armor. Laocorn was very upset and
knew he had killed his father and decided to take drastic
measures. His father's partner shot him and Laocorn felt
the need for emense power. Before he knew it, he had
taken the Armor of Mars and placed it on his arm. He then
blew his fathers partner away leaving only a big
explosion in the wall, from then on.. he became obsessed
with the idea of getting all the pieces, and becoming a
Terry is told about this by Sulia and the pack decides
to help her. They aren't able to get any pieces from
Laocorn before it's too late, and end up having to give
up Sulia to him. Then it's the final battle and Laocorn
has found the last piece. He transforms into a higher
being (or a god) and has magnificent armor all over his
body. He is very powerful and wants to rule the world and
take revenge for his family (basically he's ranting and
raving like a mad man) "Every cell in my body is
exploding with power..!" is one of the things he said. He
basically goes on a rampage and wants to kill
Sulia decides that he only way to defeat him is to
injure herself, this was because of the close bond her
brother and her had which had grown stronger. It weakens
him, and he wants to kill her for it. She then strikes
herself in the chest. Laocorn was now able to be
released. Terry strikes him through the breast plate with
his Burn Knuckle and sets him free. But then.. something
terrible happened.. the pieces of arm fell to the floor,
melded together, and raced back to the statue of
Gaudeamus, the God of War, Mars.
Mars then came alive and was a huge mass of exploding
energy. Laocorn had felt remorse for killing his sister,
and decided to jump infront of Andy before Mars could
burn them away (he turned out to be a pretty nice guy
after all that crappy armor was off). Terry was so pissed
about Sulias death the ki of the earth just came to him,
engulfing him in it's wonderful blue ki. The pack didn't
want to leave him, but Mars blew them away and left Terry
to deal with. Terry and Mars battled it out ruthlessly,
Terry was jumpin and flyin all over the place! He finally
went down the center of Mars and exploded in a big huge
explosion of blue ki from the earth, wiping out Mars like
water to a fire. Our hero has saved the day, once again
^.^ But not without the help of his wonderful
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This page was created by
Rachel ©1999-2003.
All graphics, designs, and information belongs to her
and will not be used for others.
Disclaimer: Fatal Fury, and any other company games or
anime belong to their rightful owners.