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Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Please email me:
What's UP?
NEW! Our first interview w/ a Terry fan! - 2/5/03
Interview w/ Abraham - Until I get more interviews,
I won't make a significant page for them. Please contact me if you want to be interviewed!
About Interviews
Learn about other fans such as yourself. If you would like to participate, email me and I'll confirm your email once I've put you on my interview list. NOTE: If you wish to be interviewed, you are giving me permission to post your interview on my site.
Updates and Commentary
7-Jul-03 - I fixed the table problem with the main page so it should load accordingly to percentages
7-Jul-03 - The pages with backgrounds making text difficult to read have been updated with background colors
Good News!
Everytime someone signs my guestbook, I receive an email. I usually read what the new entry says everytime. This is a good way
to inform me of any adjustments that need to be made for the shrine. As you can see, I have updated it and fixed the neccessary.
Don't forget, I'm still excepting Fatal Fury fanart. The fans, as well as myself, would love to see a fanart section up
on this site! If you're not into fanart, we can look into making a cosplay page. Whatever floats your boat ^-^ - TBS Webmistress
PS: I'm thinking about changing the banner up top to something else, maybe a moving gif or something? If you have
any ideas I'd love to hear ehm!
Fatal Fury Fun
Garou Densetsu karaoke anybody? Check out the lyrics to some of these song lyrics from and sing along with your friends like the goofballs you are - Fatal Fury Lyrics.
Don't be a hermit... Go check out some other great Terry Bogard sites! I know you're all loyal fans but, really there are some great Terry sites on the web other then my plain informant one. Check out my faves - Terry Bogard's Ultimate Garou Densetsu Den of Power, & the Terry and Mary SNK Page @
Want multimedia? When I first got my computer (about 4-5 years ago) I found this really great Fatal Fury media site. It has great downloads! Here you can download mp3s and movie clips to karaoke to - Fatal Fury Multimedia.
Mark Hildreth is a wonderful voice actor. He voiced some other great characters other then Terry if you didn't know :D Why don't you go check him out? I couldn't find any REAL good sites with information, but if you do I'd love to know the addy. You can check out the voice actors in Fatal Fury with this link. - Voice work in Fatal Fury.
Finally, check out Fatal Fury at! I've already got the link for you so you don't have to hunt it down like I did ^.^ - Fatal Fury.

Terry Bogard Shrine, T.B.S. Copyright 1999-2002.
Fatal FuryTM all rights reserved. Copyright 2002.